Enhance Your Business Credibility

Customers have more choices than ever in today’s competitive business world. That’s why it’s so important to do everything possible to stand apart from the competition. One great way to gain a competitive edge is to increase your credibility. Here are a few tips to help you establish and enhance credibility with your prospects and customers:

  • Provide customer testimonials, references, and customer success stories that enable prospects to hear about your company from a relevant point of view.
  • Encourage people to get to know you, especially on your website. Promote what you do, what you sell, and your full business address (not your P.O. box). Include your phone number, fax, email address, and other ways to contact you.
  • Talk about your history. People are always curious how businesses got started. By providing some background you’ll not only personalize your customer’s experience but also increase your business legitimacy.
  • Popularity sells, so consider providing a list of customers on your website. If you’re worried about customer privacy, use a map instead to show customer locations.
  • Use professional photos on your website and marketing materials.
  • Contribute articles to industry publications, or volunteer to speak at industry events. Start a podcast, create a newsletter or blog, or write a column in a local newspaper that offers how-to guides and helpful tips.
  • Portray a professional image by using quality printed marketing materials, forms, letterhead, envelopes, labels, business cards, and more.
  • Create a strong online presence through your website, social media, and online business directories (D&B Credibility Review, MerchantCircle, etc.).
  • Promote any awards, registrations, certifications, or other reputable, prestigious information that will increase your credibility.
  • Create a customer referral program that enables prospects to hear about you from a fellow customer’s voice.
  • Become involved with your community. Attend local events, buy from local businesses, and sponsor local fundraisers.
  • Offer a seminar, training class, or webinar to share your knowledge with others.

If you need help creating print materials that will enhance your credibility and professional appearance, give us a call today!

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