NBA legend Michael Jordan once said, “Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.”
This quote is true in all types of organizations. Talent is undoubtedly important, but depending on the type of career, teamwork can be far more valuable to a company’s long-term success. A group of the most highly talented individuals who don’t work together efficiently are unreliable, waste resources, and often have competing agendas. Without teamwork, talent is wasted.
In comparison, a strong, cohesive team can often make up for weaker talent because they form a strong alliance and are committed to reaching the same goals. Successful teams benefit from a blend of various skills and can-do attitudes. They also share resources, learn from one another, and offer invaluable encouragement and support.
If your organization is struggling to find top-notch talent, try focusing on building a top-notch team instead. The winning results may surprise you.