In the movie Meet the Parents, Jack (Robert DeNiro) explains to Greg (Ben Stiller) his philosophy which he calls the “Circle of Trust.” Greg is planning to marry Jack’s daughter. He’s an outsider who desperately wants to be included in Jack’s Circle of Trust.
Greg tries to fit in, but every effort is met with failure and ridicule because he tries to be something he is not.
In an effort to impress our prospects, we sometimes make the same mistake of trying to be something outside of who we are. But if you really want to get inside a customer’s Circle of Trust, you must have integrity, and you must show that you truly have their best interest in mind at all times.
Above all, be yourself.
With all the mishaps and disasters that happen during the movie, Jack is convinced that Greg is not a good fit for his daughter. But at the end of the movie, Jack realizes that Greg really loves his daughter and has her best interest in his heart.
To enter and stay in a customer’s Circle of Trust, always have their best interest in mind and show them that you truly care about them and their business.
Now, here’s a short and funny compilation of the Circle of Trust scenes from Meet the Parents. Enjoy!